For Developers

We have taken time to over-simplify your payment integration so you don't need any coding effort to start collecting payments on your website.

Reduce your time to market by simply using your payment links to bypass the hurdles of a complete payment gateway integration.

Integrate your payment link within an App or a Web application in 5 steps:

  • 1. Register as a user on BillClan

  • 2. Create your payment link and copy the link

  • 3. Collect more information if needed by creating Custom fields for your payment link

  • 4. Choose your receiving bank account. This account will receive payments made via the payment link.

  • 5. To start collecting payment on your website, append payer's information to the payment link's url as shown below.

  • 6. Redirect to the url formed above when you need accept payment on your websites.

URL Format

[Payment-Link-Url]?name=John&email[email protected]&phone=0812345678890&amount=3000&description=testpayment&address=lekki lagos

Query String Paramaters

Parameter Type Required?
name String Optional
email String Optional
phone String Optional
amount Decimal Optional
description String Optional
address String Optional

Using the Javascript Checkout library

1. Add the BillsClan Checkout library to your website by adding it within your script tags.

<script src=""> </script>

2. Inside your button for making payment, initiate the payment process like below

billsclan.checkout(PaymentLink, Customer Name, Customer Email, Amount, Customer Phone, Customer Address, Description);
Click here to get see how to the Payment Link.

Example below using mandatory fields only
billsclan.checkout("", "Johnson", "[email protected]", 2300, "08000000000");

3. Payment is initialized and customer is redirected to the Payment Summary page

Contact us on [email protected] if you have any issues.
